University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Untangling Brain Circuits in Mental Illness

Funded through President Obama's Brain Initiative, a UCSF-led team is embarking on a $26 million project to develop a revolutionary and long-lasting treatment for depression, anxiety disorders, addiction and other neuropsychiatric disorders.

a doctor in the operating room

Young Blood Reverses Signs of Brain Aging in Mice

Young blood really does rejuvenate the brain, at least in mice, raising hopes that molecules in the blood may be identified that can do the same for humans, according to a new UCSF study.

Overlooked Cells Hold Keys to Brain Organization and Disease, UCSF Study Shows

Scientists studying brain diseases may need to look beyond nerve cells and start paying attention to the star-shaped cells known as “astrocytes,” because they play specialized roles in the development and maintenance of nerve circuits and may contribute to a wide range of disorders, according to a new study by UCSF researchers.

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Private Partnerships for Public Benefit

Nobel Prize winner Stanley Prusiner is closing in on better treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other brain diseases, and an unlikely new partnership will get him there faster.

Groundbreaking Online Registry to Drive Brain Disease Research

A new online project led by researchers at UCSF promises to dramatically cut the time and cost of conducting clinical trials for brain diseases, while also helping scientists analyze and track the brain functions of thousands of volunteers over time.

UCSF Expands Access for People with ALS

The ALS Treatment and Research Center, a clinical practice of the Department of Neurology at UCSF and an ALS Association-certified Center of Excellence, is expanding its support for the community of people facing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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A Beautiful Mind

Researchers are recording brain activity in visually stunning ways that could lead to targeted therapies for Alzheimer’s, autism and other diseases.

New High-Tech Lab Records the Brain and Body in Action

UCSF neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD, is hoping to paint a fuller picture of what is happening in the minds and bodies of those suffering from brain disease with his new lab, Neuroscape, which bridges the worlds of neuroscience and high-tech.

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UCSF Team Reveals How the Brain Recognizes Speech Sounds

UCSF researchers are reporting a detailed account of how speech sounds are identified by the human brain. The finding offers unprecedented insight into the basis of human language and may shed light on language disorders, including dyslexia.