University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Gladstone Scientists Reprogram Skin Cells into Brain Cells

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have for the first time transformed skin cells — with a single genetic factor — into cells that develop on their own into an interconnected, functional network of brain cells.

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Cancer Drugs: Better, Cheaper

<p>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is issuing new recommendations for breast cancer trials that are based in part on groundbreaking, national breast cancer research led by UCSF.</p>

Alcohol May Trigger Serious Palpitations in Heart Patients

New UCSF research builds on a 1978 study called the “holiday heart syndrome,” establishing a stronger causal link between alcohol consumption and serious palpitations in patients with atrial fibrillation, the most common form of arrhythmia.

Smoking During Pregnancy Linked to Severe Asthma in Teen Years

African-American and Latino children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from acute asthma symptoms in their teens than asthma sufferers whose mothers did not smoke, according to a new study led by a research team at UCSF.

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Pain Control is Focus of Allan Basbaum's Research Career

<p>UCSF's Allan Basbaum, PhD, a pioneer in the pain field, says one major lesson that has emerged in years of research is that not all types of pain are the same — nor should they be treated the same.</p>

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How Selective Hearing Works In the Brain

<p>The longstanding mystery of how selective hearing works — how people can tune in to a single speaker while tuning out their crowded, noisy environs — is solved this week in the journal <em>Nature</em> by two scientists from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).</p>

Marijuana Use Higher in Young Adult Smokers than Previously Reported

Half of young adult tobacco smokers also have smoked marijuana in the last 30 days, according to a recent Facebook-based survey conducted by UCSF researchers, indicating a greater prevalence of marijuana and tobacco co-use among smokers age 18-25 than previously reported.

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UCSF Chancellor Issues Call-To-Arms to Patient Advocates

In November 2011, a National Academy of Sciences committee issued a report calling for the creation of a “Google Maps”-like data network intended to revolutionize medical discovery, diagnosis and treatment. Today, the co-chair of that committee, UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, is issuing a call-to-arms to patient advocates to help make that idea a reality.

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