University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Offers 12 Days of Fitness to Employees

<p>UCSF employees who show their UCSF identification badge can work out for free from December 1 through the 12 at UCSF fitness centers on the Parnassus and Mission Bay campuses.</p>

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Annual Tradition Celebrates UCSF Community Partnerships

<p>Exemplary community collaborations that promote health equity in San Francisco took center stage at the Fourth Annual Partnerships Celebration sponsored by UCSF’s&nbsp;<a href="">University Community Partnerships</a>&nbsp;(UCP).</p>

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Self-Tracking May Become Key Element of Personalized Medicine

<p>A steady stream of new apps and devices that can be synced to ever-more sophisticated mobile phones is flowing into consumers’ hands, and this technology is revolutionizing the practice of self-tracking, in which individuals measure and collect personal data to improve their heath.</p>

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Documentary on Broken U.S. Health Care System Features UCSF Health Researchers

A new documentary, <a href="">“Escape Fire,”</a> examines a broken US health care system that’s “designed for quick fixes rather than prevention.” The film also highlights pioneering efforts to transform the system and bring effective, low-cost solutions to the public, including interviews with UCSF researchers Dean Ornish, Elizabeth Blackburn and Peter Carroll.

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Sinusitis Linked to Microbial Diversity

A common bacteria ever-present on the human skin and previously considered harmless, may, in fact, be the culprit behind chronic sinusitis, a painful, recurring swelling of the sinuses that strikes more than one in ten Americans each year, according to a study by scientists at UCSF.

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Intel Fellow to Talk About Health Innovation

<p>The UCSF community is invited to hear Eric Dishman, director of Health Innovation and Policy for Intel’s Digital Health Group, talk about Intel's approach to health care at UCSF on April 5.&nbsp;</p>

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UC President Pens Open Letter to UC Community

<p>UC President Mark Yudof today wrote an open letter to the community asking all of University of California students, faculty and staff members to foster a climate of tolerance, civility and open-mindedness.</p>

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