University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

7 Ways UCSF is Improving Safety at the Point of Care

<p>UCSF Medical Center, including the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, has made increasing the safety of health care one of its highest priorities. Here are just some of the ways it is working toward that.</p>

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UCSF Works to Identify and Treat Sepsis Patients Earlier

<p>Teams of UCSF clinicians each took shifts inside a bus set up to simulate the room of a patient showing signs of sepsis, as part of a Bay Area mobile initiative to improve the ability to identify and treat sepsis patients as early as possible.</p>

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Pediatric Residents Training in New 'Handoff' Curriculum

<p>In response to mounting evidence that serious errors in hospitals often could be prevented by enhancing communication, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital is participating in the nine-center <a href="">I-PASS study</a> to determine how to best teach residents to properly hand off pediatric patients to reduce errors.</p>

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Genital Injuries: Painful Yet Mostly Preventable

A comprehensive survey of genital injuries over the last decade involving mishaps with consumer products &#8212; like overzealous zipping &#8212; that brought adults to U.S. emergency rooms reveals that such accidents are common and may be preventable, according to doctors at UCSF.

Medical Bills: Sticker Shock and Confused Consumers

According to a provocative new UCSF analysis, patients are all too often left in the dark about how and what hospitals charge for their medical care – even in the face of a mounting push nationally for consumers to have a voice in how their health care dollars are spent.

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