University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Poor Health: When Poverty Becomes Disease

Living in poverty can have a devastating effect on health. UCSF is actively developing programs and studies to help circumvent the toxic effects of economic disparity.

Photo collage with broken glass: run down buildings and a small child in front of a graffitied wall.

Diversity in Medical Research Is a Long Way Off, Study Shows

Despite Congressional mandates aimed at diversifying clinical research, little has changed in the last 30 years in both the numbers of studies that include minorities and the diversity of scientists being funded, according to a new analysis by researchers at UCSF.

Big Ideas in Health and Science for 2016

We asked experts across UCSF to identify what's ahead in how we approach research, what disease areas will see major advances, and where basic science will be translating into real treatments.

UCSF Incoming Class 2015: By the Numbers

This fall, UCSF welcomes nearly 1,000 new students. Check out an infographic highlighting some fun facts about this new crop of future clinicians and researchers.