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Race Plays Role in Emergency Department Opioid Prescribing

A new analysis of nationwide emergency department (ED) records led by UC San Francisco researchers has revealed that black patients seen for back or abdominal pain are roughly half as likely as white patients to be prescribed opioids in the ED or at discharge.

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Researchers Map Zika’s Routes to the Developing Fetus

Zika virus can infect numerous cell types in the human placenta and amniotic sac, according to researchers at UCSF and UC Berkeley who show in a new paper how the virus travels from a pregnant woman to her fetus.

Zika Infection May Be Masked by Other Viral Infections

Symptoms of infection with the Zika virus in Brazil may be masked by simultaneous infection with other mosquito-spread viruses common in the same region — such as dengue fever and chikungunya viruses — pointing to the need for comprehensive testing, according to a study led by a UCSF expert in DNA-based diagnostics in collaboration with Brazilian researchers.

Free To Be He, She, They

There is an increasing demand to address gender dysphoria early in childhood, prior to the onset of puberty. Under the guidance of Stephen Rosenthal, MD, UCSF’s Gender Center is helping parents and their children navigate this difficult terrain.

Oliver Bishop with drumline equipment at his high school track field.

Chest Pain is Common but Actual Severity is Rare

Chest pain is one of the most common reasons to visit the emergency room, but a new UCSF study shows that only a fraction of all cases actually lead to a diagnosis of a life-threatening condition.

Parents-Only Therapy May Be Optimal in Treating Anorexia

Family therapy for 12- to 18-year-olds with anorexia nervosa, in which all household members participate and a meal is held in the clinician’s office, may be less effective than a streamlined model involving only the parents and without the meal.

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