University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

What is OME?

<p>In May 2013, the revolution in health will begin. UCSF is convening the world’s foremost thinkers, creators and innovators to roll up their sleeves and make precision medicine a reality.</p>

What is Precision Medicine?

<p>At UCSF, we envision a future in which we will be able to cross-reference an individual's personal history and biology with patterns found worldwide and utilize that network of knowledge to pinpoint and deliver care that's preventive, targeted, timely and effective.</p>

Renowned Child Psychiatrist and Molecular Geneticist to Join UCSF

<p>Matthew State, MD, PhD, a leading child psychiatrist and internationally recognized expert on the genetics and genomics of autism, Tourette syndrome and other neurodevelopmental syndromes, was recently named to lead UCSF’s psychiatric programs.</p>

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