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UN Special Envoy Eric Goosby Answers 5 Questions about TB

Eric P. Goosby, professor of medicine and director of Global Health Delivery and Diplomacy in Global Health Sciences at UCSF and the U.N. Special Envoy on Tuberculosis, talks about his role and how UCSF and Global Health Sciences support his work.

Economics Colloquium Tackles Societal Returns on Health Care Investments

What is the best way to measure returns on investments in health care? What are the economic implications of the global rise in non-communicable diseases? These are just a few of the global challenges taken up by health economics experts at the third annual Global Health Economics Consortium Colloquium at UCSF.

New USDA Dietary Guidelines Validated by UCSF Sugar Research

Just in time for flailing New Year resolutions, the U.S. Department of Agriculture have served up new dietary guidelines, including one of the biggest changes in recent years: For the first time, they’ve placed a clear limit of no more than 10 percent of daily calories from added dietary sugars.

$20M Grant from amfAR Funds Institute for HIV Cure Research

In a bid to end the worst epidemic in modern times, the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) is funding an ambitious effort based in San Francisco to eliminate the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from those who are infected.