University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Parents-Only Therapy May Be Optimal in Treating Anorexia

Family therapy for 12- to 18-year-olds with anorexia nervosa, in which all household members participate and a meal is held in the clinician’s office, may be less effective than a streamlined model involving only the parents and without the meal.

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Pioneering UCSF Clinic Helps Transgender Youth Be Themselves

The UCSF Child and Adolescent Gender Center is a one-stop, interdisciplinary clinic offering the wide range of services necessary for mental and physical evaluation and care – and if deemed appropriate, a healthy transition – for children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Watch 3 UCSF Faculty Talks at TEDMED 2015

Three UCSF faculty will be featured speakers at TEDMED 2015, an annual gathering of 1,500 leaders and innovators from all sectors of society to explore the promise of technology and innovation in health and medicine.

First U.S. Study of Transgender Youth Funded by NIH

The National Institutes of Health has awarded $5.7 million for a five-year, multicenter study, which will be the first in the U.S. to evaluate the long-term outcomes of medical treatment for transgender youth.