Watch 3 UCSF Faculty Talks at TEDMED 2015

By Kevin Eisenmann

wide shot of the TEDMED stage in 2014

Three UC San Francisco faculty will be featured speakers at TEDMED 2015, an annual gathering of 1,500 leaders and innovators from all sectors of society to explore the promise of technology and innovation in health and medicine. The event will be in Palm Springs, Calif., on November 18-20 and be available remotely with live streaming.

Representing UCSF at TEDMED 2015:

Louise Greenspan

Louise Greenspan, MD: Despite a longtime focus on endocrine-disrupting chemicals as the main cause of earlier onset of puberty in girls, data now suggests that obesity and toxic stress are larger culprits.

Laura Schmidt

Laura Schmidt, PhD: In an era when food corporations use the very fMRI technologies developed to find cures for addiction to engineer sodas and junk foods that are evermore habit forming, do people really have much freedom of choice in what they eat?

Robert Wachter

Robert Wachter, MD: An author and patient advocate, Wachter will share his struggle to balance patient empowerment with patient safety in our overly digital age. As the nation has moved to electronic health records, what has been the cost?

A free live stream of TEDMED 2015 is available to the UCSF community. A special access code will be publicized in the Nov. 16 issue of the Pulse Today e-newsletter.

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