University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Longer Telomeres Linked to Risk of Brain Cancer

New genomic research led by UCSF scientists reveals that two common gene variants that lead to longer telomeres also significantly increase the risk of developing the deadly brain cancers known as gliomas.

Young Blood Reverses Signs of Brain Aging in Mice

Young blood really does rejuvenate the brain, at least in mice, raising hopes that molecules in the blood may be identified that can do the same for humans, according to a new UCSF study.

Groundbreaking Online Registry to Drive Brain Disease Research

A new online project led by researchers at UCSF promises to dramatically cut the time and cost of conducting clinical trials for brain diseases, while also helping scientists analyze and track the brain functions of thousands of volunteers over time.

Experts Question Routine Mammograms in Elderly

Doctors should focus on life expectancy when deciding whether to order mammograms for their oldest female patients, since the harms of screening likely outweigh the benefits unless women are expected to live at least another decade, according to a review of the scientific literature by experts at UCSF and Harvard medical schools.

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Poetry & End of Life Symposium

Join doctors, caregivers, and award-wining poets for a night of poetry, music, and discussion on the end of life.

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Scientists Halt Deadly Organ Tissue Scarring in its Tracks

UCSF scientists were able to arrest, and even reverse, tissue scarring of the liver, kidneys and lungs in mice. The scarring, also known as fibrosis, is a major factor in nearly half of all deaths in developed countries.