University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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UCSF Researchers Control Embryonic Stem Cells With Light

UCSF researchers have for the first time developed a method to precisely control embryonic stem cell differentiation with beams of light, enabling them to be transformed into neurons in response to a precise external cue.

Escaping Ethiopia's Poverty at the School of Pharmacy

In the state of Tikray in northern Ethiopia, where poverty and unemployment are rampant, very few have the fortune to go to college. But Getahun Weldeselassie nevertheless banked on education as his best shot at a better life.

Childhood Syndrome Combining Lung Disease, Arthritis Is Identified

A research team led by scientists from UCSF, Baylor College of Medicine, and Texas Children’s Hospital has identified a new autoimmune syndrome characterized by a combination of severe lung disease and arthritis that currently has no therapy.

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