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Window into the Brain with Adam Boxer, MD, PhD

<p>Many researchers are finding that by the time a patient seeks treatment for symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, it’s often too late for the available drugs to have an effect. Boxer’s lab is studying very precise eye tracking methods to gauge mental fitness and identify cognitive decline decades before the first symptoms appear.</p>

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UCSF Marks Three Decades of AIDS

<p>As one of the preeminent biomedical education and health sciences research institutions in the world, UCSF emerged early as a pioneer in the fight against AIDS. Today, three decades later, UCSF is working on multiple fronts to prevent, treat and stop the spread of the disease that has killed 33 million people worldwide.</p>

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Cell of origin for brain tumors may predict response to therapy

For patients with glioma, the most common primary brain tumor, new findings may explain why current therapies fail to eradicate the cancer. A UCSF-led team of scientists has identified for the first time that progenitor rather than neural stem cells underly a type of glioma called oligodendroglioma.

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Prusiner NYT Op-Ed Calls for Alzheimer's Research Funds

UCSF Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner, MD, and colleagues have called for Congress to more than quadruple annual federal funding for Alzheimer&#8217;s research, saying that with a dedicated effort, there is a chance for a breakthrough against the disease by 2020.

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UCSF leads Lancet series on malaria elimination

<em>The Lancet</em> launched a special series on malaria elimination Oct. 29, led by the Global Health Group (GHG), a part of UCSF Global Health Sciences. The series included work by 36 authors worldwide, with guidance and support provided by a GHG-convened global advisory group of malaria experts, known as the Malaria Elimination Group.

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