University of California San Francisco

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960 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

LGBT Forum Attracts 200 Interprofessional Health Students

<p>The UCSF Center for LGBT Health & Equity convened a health forum for the fourth consecutive year, attracting 200 interprofessional health students for two days of education about the long-overlooked health concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex people.</p>

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Trauma Drives HIV Epidemic in Women

Physical violence, sexual abuse and other forms of childhood and adult trauma are major factors fueling the epidemic of HIV/AIDS among American women, who account for at least 27 percent of new U.S. cases.

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Confronting HIV in Oakland

<p>To effectively confront the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Oakland, the medical community needs to connect with African-American young men, who are a particularly vulnerable group of individuals who may not know they are at high risk and may not be receiving the information they need to protect themselves.</p>

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Deprived of Sex, Jilted Flies Drink More Alcohol

A group of scientists at UCSF has discovered that a tiny molecule in the fly’s brain govern the behavior of males who go on a drinking binge after female fruit flies reject their sexual advances.

UC President Pens Open Letter to UC Community

<p>UC President Mark Yudof today wrote an open letter to the community asking all of University of California students, faculty and staff members to foster a climate of tolerance, civility and open-mindedness.</p>

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