University of California San Francisco

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129 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Task Force Named to Advise on 2016 Retirement Benefits

A systemwide task force of UC faculty, staff and administrators will develop a new set of retirement benefits options for UC employees hired on or after July 1, 2016 to comply with a new budget agreement.

Science Interrupted

These days, young investigators spend half their time applying for grants to keep their labs afloat. The competition is so fierce that the next generation of academic scientists is at risk and, by extension, so is science itself.

Illustration of science beakers and a female scientist looking stressed.

Michael Fortes: Adding Excitement to Numbers

Michael Fortes understands numbers as Office and Finance Manager for UCSF’s University Relations department. Knowing the importance of UCSF's mission to the Bay Area and beyond, he pays close attention to all the administrative details that support the people who are out on the front lines making things happen.

Private Partnerships for Public Benefit

Nobel Prize winner Stanley Prusiner is closing in on better treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other brain diseases, and an unlikely new partnership will get him there faster.