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Researchers Map Zika’s Routes to the Developing Fetus

Zika virus can infect numerous cell types in the human placenta and amniotic sac, according to researchers at UCSF and UC Berkeley who show in a new paper how the virus travels from a pregnant woman to her fetus.

Zika Infection May Be Masked by Other Viral Infections

Symptoms of infection with the Zika virus in Brazil may be masked by simultaneous infection with other mosquito-spread viruses common in the same region — such as dengue fever and chikungunya viruses — pointing to the need for comprehensive testing, according to a study led by a UCSF expert in DNA-based diagnostics in collaboration with Brazilian researchers.

Deadly Fungus Uses Unexpected System To Control Its Virulence

A research team led by UC San Francisco scientists has discovered a cellular signaling system that regulates the virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans, a fungus that has been estimated to cause nearly a million cases of meningitis worldwide per year, about 625,000 of which are fatal.

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Malaria-Free World Possible Within a Generation, Study Says

Global malaria eradication is possible within a generation, but only with renewed focus, new tools and sufficient financial support, according to a paper published in The Lancet by the Global Health Group’s Malaria Elimination Initiative at UCSF.

Scientists Find Molecular Link Between Zika and Microcephaly

Strengthening the link between Zika virus and microcephaly, scientists at UCSF have discovered that a protein the virus uses to infect skin cells and cause a rash is present also in stem cells of the developing human brain and retina.

UN Special Envoy Eric Goosby Answers 5 Questions about TB

Eric P. Goosby, professor of medicine and director of Global Health Delivery and Diplomacy in Global Health Sciences at UCSF and the U.N. Special Envoy on Tuberculosis, talks about his role and how UCSF and Global Health Sciences support his work.

Better Malaria Prevention for Pregnant Women in Africa

Pregnant women can be protected from malaria, a major cause of prematurity, low birth weight and death in infants in Africa, with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP), an artemisinin combination therapy that is already widely used to treat malaria in adults, according to a study by researchers at UC San Francisco and in Uganda.

Gene Signature Could Lead To A New Way Of Diagnosing Lyme

Researchers at UCSF and Johns Hopkins may have found a new way to diagnose Lyme disease, based on a distinctive gene “signature” they discovered in white blood cells of patients infected with the tick-borne bacteria.