University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Intel Fellow to Talk About Health Innovation

<p>The UCSF community is invited to hear Eric Dishman, director of Health Innovation and Policy for Intel’s Digital Health Group, talk about Intel's approach to health care at UCSF on April 5.&nbsp;</p>

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UCSF Taps 17-Year Interprofessional Expert to Lead New Center

<p>Scott Reeves, a world-renowned British social scientist, is the new director of UCSF’s Center for Innovation in Interprofessional Healthcare Education, which will work to develop curricula and robust assessment tools that focus on quality and safety.</p>

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PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer -- Controversy Continues

<p>A rekindled controversy over the use of PSA screening to help detect prostate cancer highlights the different perspectives physicians may take in framing issues, evaluating studies and deciding on best practices.</p>

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Brown Fat Research Heats Up, Fuels Dreams of Weight Loss

<p>A type of fat known as brown fat combined with a stimulating environment appears to help burn calories, at least in a mouse, and maybe even in humans. The findings further fuel enthusiasm for research aimed at converting white fat to brown fat.</p>

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