University of California San Francisco

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UC Issues Statement on Federal Court DACA Ruling

The University of California is pleased and encouraged that the court has granted an injunction to temporarily stop the Department of Homeland Security’s rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

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Student Success Center Opens on Parnassus Campus

UCSF has opened the Student Success Center, a thoughtfully designed, 3,000-square-foot space, bringing together under one roof a wide range of key student services.

UC Part of Joint Legal Motion to Halt Repeal of DACA Program

The University of California, along with other organizations and individuals who have sued the Trump administration over its rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, on Nov. 1 jointly asked a federal judge to keep the program operating while legal motions proceed.

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UC Leaders to Congress: Protect the Nation’s Dreamers

University of California officials, including the chancellors from all 10 UC schools, have sent an urgent appeal to California’s congressional delegation, pressing them to take the lead in building bipartisan support for legislation to protect the nation’s Dreamers.

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