University of California San Francisco

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258 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Jennifer Mannix: Encouraging Creativity through Arts & Events

Jennifer Mannix and her Campus Life Services Arts & Events team are committed to encouraging creativity and collaboration throughout the UCSF campuses. They provide diversified programs like arts, performances, community activities and discounts for the entire UCSF community.

Freya Magnusson: Championing Integrative Medicine

Freya Magnusson applauds the efforts of UCSF to integrate natural medicine as a complementary approach to total wellness, at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, the Pediatric ICU and other inpatient settings.

Michael Fortes: Adding Excitement to Numbers

Michael Fortes understands numbers as Office and Finance Manager for UCSF’s University Relations department. Knowing the importance of UCSF's mission to the Bay Area and beyond, he pays close attention to all the administrative details that support the people who are out on the front lines making things happen.

Naomi Hoffer: Supporting and Sustaining Cancer Healing

As Program Manager for the Cancer Resource Center, Naomi Hoffer is deeply embedded in the world of cancer supportive care. Their team continually assesses new pathways to sustained healing and whole-person support.

David Rachleff: Training the Future of Health Care

As School of Medicine Curriculum Coordinator since 2009, David Rachleff's challenge is to educate new medical students on the current physician practices and train their brains to remain flexible for future technologies and treatments.

Gail Mametsuka: Being Healthy Starts at Home

Gail Mametsuka sees UCSF's greatest asset as its faculty, staff and students. As Assistant Director for UCSF’s Fitness & Recreation Department, she views her role as managing and inspiring her creative team who, in turn, develops quality fitness & recreation programs that keep UCSF campus members healthy, engaged and balanced.

Paul Day: Advocating for Social Justice

Paul Day has always been a social justice advocate, living and working by the principles of tolerance, inclusiveness, and accessibility for all.

Christine Haas: Building our Campus

As the real estate and construction counsel for UCSF, UCSF Medical Center and UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, Christine Haas is privileged to be a key part of UCSF's growth and has seen plots of land transform into a new building, lab, housing or child care center.

Rena Pasick: Changing the Face of Population Science & Public Health

Rena Pasick leads the Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research (MTPCCR) with sites at UCSF and UCLA. Her program encourages and supports underrepresented master’s level students in public health and social and behavioral sciences on to the doctorate and careers in research.

Bonz Otsuki: Supporting Staff Keeps UCSF Moving Forward

Bonz Otsuki, a 20-year UCSF veteran, moved from Campus Life Services to University Relations / Community and Government Relations where she smooths the path for UCSF professionals and staff to get their work done.

Carla Perissinotto: Keeping Seniors Healthy at Home

Carla Perissinotto, MD, MHS, is a Geriatrician who helps people live longer, more comfortable, more fulfilling lives. She works with elderly patients through UCSF Care at Home, which provides medical care to home bound older adults.

Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo: Seeing Health as Social Justice

Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, MD, PhD, MAS is a general internist and cardiovascular epidemiologist whose research focuses on the interaction between social, behavioral, and biological factors that place individuals and communities at risk for poor health and inadequate healthcare.

Elisabeth Wilson: Teaching the Heart of Medicine

Elisabeth Wilson, MD, MPH, isn’t one of those people who wanted to be a doctor since she was a child. A family illness propelled her into the world of medicine after working in the arts for many years.