University of California San Francisco

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244 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Again Named a Healthy Mothers Workplace in 2015

For the second year in the row, UCSF has received a Silver from Healthy Mothers Workplace Award that recognizes San Francisco organizations that support parental leave, lactation accommodations and work-family balance.

Surge in Bicycle Injuries to Riders Over 45

The incidence of bicycle accidents has increased significantly in the U.S. in recent years, with many serious injuries occurring among riders older than 45, according to a new study led by UCSF.

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UCSF Awarded Funds to Launch Nutrition and Obesity Research Center

UCSF was recently awarded federal funds to launch a Nutrition and Obesity Research Center – one of only 12 such centers nationwide – to support and facilitate studies on obesity, nutrition, and metabolism at UCSF and across northern California.

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Low-Nicotine Cigarettes Fail to Sway Smokers

Smokers who successfully lowered their nicotine intake when they were switched to low-nicotine cigarettes were unable to curb their smoking habits in the long term, according to a study by UCSF and San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center.

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Jennifer Mannix: Encouraging Creativity through Arts & Events

Jennifer Mannix and her Campus Life Services Arts & Events team are committed to encouraging creativity and collaboration throughout the UCSF campuses. They provide diversified programs like arts, performances, community activities and discounts for the entire UCSF community.

Gail Mametsuka: Being Healthy Starts at Home

Gail Mametsuka sees UCSF's greatest asset as its faculty, staff and students. As Assistant Director for UCSF’s Fitness & Recreation Department, she views her role as managing and inspiring her creative team who, in turn, develops quality fitness & recreation programs that keep UCSF campus members healthy, engaged and balanced.

How Beige Fat Could Fight Obesity

For the first time, scientists have isolated beige fat in adult humans that's able to convert energy-storing white fat cells into the energy-burning kind.

The Art of Healing

The idea of art as medicine dates back to antiquity, but recently the concept is drawing increasing interest from the medical and science communities.

The Hidden Costs of Sugar

A growing body of science suggests that sugar isn’t just making us fat; it may also be making us sick. SugarScience is a national initiative to educate the public about its surprising health impacts.

Do Gut Bacteria Rule Our Minds?

It sounds like science fiction, but it seems that bacteria within us – which outnumber our own cells about 100-fold – may very well be affecting both our cravings and moods to get us to eat what they want, and often are driving us toward obesity.