University of California San Francisco

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252 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Discovery Fellows Program Meets Fundraising Challenge

A year ahead of schedule, UCSF has met the unprecedented fundraising challenge set by Sir Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman to raise $5 million from 500 donors for the Discovery Fellows Program, which supports basic science PhD education.

UCSF Incoming Class 2014: By the Numbers

This fall, UCSF welcomes 999 new students. Check out an infographic highlighting some fun facts about this new crop of future clinicians and researchers.

Teaching from the Classroom to the Clinic

What makes a good teacher? When it comes to dealing with life and death, a great teacher looks beyond the classroom to empower students who will be making critical decisions. Here are some ways that's happening at UCSF.

School of Medicine Test Drives Curriculum Redesign

The UCSF Bridges Curriculum Redesign is aiming to address the ever-widening gap between what medical students are being taught and what they need to learn to function as modern physicians.

School of Medicine faculty and staff at a table

The Mentors

Whether it takes the form of a leg up, a door opened, a steadying hand, or an affirmation, mentorship is intrinsic to UCSF.

Ruben Espinoza and Michael Lopez at the UCSF’s Ray and Dagmar Dolby Regeneration Medicine Building.