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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Helping Women Make Informed Decisions About Reproductive Health

<p>Although it’s proven that contraception prevents pregnancy, it’s also clear that many women who don’t want to get pregnant don’t use or don’t have access to contraception. Christine Dehlendorf, MD, MAS, a family physician based at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, used implementation science to help women navigate this issue.</p>

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Research Offers New Hope for HIV/AIDS Patients with Cancer

<p>A proposed new treatment to help HIV/AIDS patients suffering from Kaposi’s sarcoma, the most common form of cancer in people with HIV, is now one step closer to becoming a reality thanks to a program that supports promising early-stage research.</p>

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Secrets of Lung Cancer Drug Resistance Revealed at UCSF

People with lung cancer who are treated with the drug Tarceva face a daunting uncertainty: although their tumors may initially shrink, it's not a question of whether their cancer will return—it's a question of when. And for far too many, it happens far too soon.

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Cancer's Next Magic Bullet May Be Magic Shotgun

A new approach to drug design, pioneered by a group of researchers at UCSF and Mt. Sinai, New York, promises to help identify future drugs to fight cancer and other diseases that will be more effective and have fewer side effects.

Cancer Drugs: Better, Cheaper

<p>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is issuing new recommendations for breast cancer trials that are based in part on groundbreaking, national breast cancer research led by UCSF.</p>

Smoking During Pregnancy Linked to Severe Asthma in Teen Years

African-American and Latino children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from acute asthma symptoms in their teens than asthma sufferers whose mothers did not smoke, according to a new study led by a research team at UCSF.

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Trauma Drives HIV Epidemic in Women

Physical violence, sexual abuse and other forms of childhood and adult trauma are major factors fueling the epidemic of HIV/AIDS among American women, who account for at least 27 percent of new U.S. cases.

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