University of California San Francisco

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Brain’s Immune System May Trigger Frontotemporal Dementia

Frontotemporal dementia, the second most common cause of dementia in people under 65, may be triggered by a defect in immune cells called microglia that causes them to consume the brain’s synaptic connections, according to new research led by UCSF scientists.

Scientists ID Gene Behind Rare Childhood Syndrome

In a study of 10 children published online in the American Journal of Human Genetics on April 14, the researchers linked a constellation of birth defects affecting the brain, eye, ear, heart and kidney to mutations in a single gene, called RERE.

Brain’s Wiring Connected to Sensory Processing Disorder

Researchers at UCSF have found that boys and girls with sensory processing disorder (SPD) have altered pathways for brain connectivity when compared to typically developing children, and the difference predicts challenges with auditory and tactile processing.