University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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High-dose aspirin reduces pain for severe headache and migraine

An inexpensive, hundred-year-old therapy for pain – aspirin – is effective in high doses for the treatment of severe headache and migraine caused by drug withdrawal, according to a new study by researchers with the UCSF Headache Center.

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UCSF Children's Hospital ranks among nation's best in eight specialties

UCSF Children&#8217;s Hospital ranks among the nation&#8217;s best children&#8217;s hospitals in eight specialties and is one of the top-ranked facilities in California, according to the new 2010-11 &#8220;America&#8217;s Best Children&#8217;s Hospitals&#8221; survey conducted by <i>U.S. News & World Report</i>.

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Novel Parkinson's treatment strategy involves cell transplantation

UCSF scientists have used a novel cell-based strategy to treat motor symptoms in rats with a disease designed to mimic Parkinson&#8217;s disease. The strategy suggests a promising approach, the scientists say, for treating symptoms of Parkinson&#8217;s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases and disorders, including epilepsy.

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Memories may be formed throughout the day, not just while sleeping

Scientists have long thought that processes occurring during sleep were responsible for cementing the salient experiences of the day into long-term memories. Now, however, a study of scampering rats suggests that the mechanisms at work during sleep are also active while the animals are awake -- and that they encode events more accurately.

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