University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Has Science Been Framed?

Should scientists de-emphasize the technical when trying to defend or explain science? The jury is still out on how and whether science should be "framed"...

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UCSF Sleuths Identify Suspects in Mystery of Vanishing Honeybees

UCSF scientists have identified two suspects in the massive die-off of half a million bee colonies in the US. Joe DeRisi, PhD, and Don Ganem, MD, both Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators at UCSF, have used a powerful combination of a "virus chip" — a microarray with DNA samples of most known viruses and fungi — and "shotgun" sequencing, which identifies telltale DNA from random samples of the biological sample.

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Visiting Mexican Professor Offers Global Lessons

Jaime Sepúlveda, a foreign associate of the Institute of Medicine who chairs the Committee on the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Implementation Evaluation, will present the recommendations of that committee at UCSF on May 7.

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