University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Scientists Collaborate to Block Toxic Protein that Plays Key Role in Lou Gehrig's Disease

Scientists at the UCSF-affiliated Gladstone Institutes and the Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered how modifying a gene halts the toxic buildup of a protein found in nerve cells. These findings point to a potential new tactic for treating a variety of neurodegenerative conditions, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease).

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Researchers Map Gene 'Bursting' in Protein Production

Scientists at the UCSF-affiliated Gladstone Institutes have mapped the precise frequency by which genes get turned on across the human genome, providing new insight into the most fundamental of cellular processes — and revealing new clues as to what happens when this process goes awry.

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Self-Tracking May Become Key Element of Personalized Medicine

<p>A steady stream of new apps and devices that can be synced to ever-more sophisticated mobile phones is flowing into consumers’ hands, and this technology is revolutionizing the practice of self-tracking, in which individuals measure and collect personal data to improve their heath.</p>

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