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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Works to Improve Lives of Oakland Middle-School Students

<p>UCSF, the Oakland Unified School District and an array of community-based partners are embarking on a quest to improve the lives of disadvantaged middle-school students, thanks to a $1.75 million grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies.</p>

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Aging Disease in Children Sheds Light on Normal Aging

<p>Aging of individual cells in the body leads to aging of the whole person, according to new evidence from studies of very rare children born with a genetic mutation that wrinkles, ages and kills them before they reach adulthood.</p>

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Researcher Calls for Mammograms to be Tailored to Patient

<p>Mammograms are not one-size-fits-all, says noted breast cancer researcher Karla Kerlikowske, MD, of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Rather, they should be customized based on a woman’s age, breast density, family health history and other factors.</p>

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UCSF Professor Describes Evolving Science of Breast Cancer Screening

<p>UCSF professor Goerge Sawaya, MD, a member of the &nbsp;U.S. Preventive Services Task Force that&nbsp;developed updated recommendations on breast cancer screening, discusses the rationale and the role of science in advancing change in clinical practice in this video.</p>

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