University of California San Francisco

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146 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Wins Gold, Silver in International CASE Awards

UCSF won gold and silver medals in an international contest from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), which announced its Circle of Excellence awards Wednesday morning.

A Primer on Concussions

Carlin Senter, MD, leader of UCSF’s concussion program, answers some frequently asked questions about this common brain injury.

A hand holds up a football helmet in front of a blue sky with clouds.

Hip Pain Drives Top Fitness Trainer to UCSF for Surgery

At the age of 43, top fitness trainer Ashley Selman was an unlikely candidate for a total hip replacement. But after doing extensive research, she found the best course of treatment for her hip pain at UCSF.