University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UC Experts Explain Radiation Risks - Real and Relative

<p>UC scientists explain radiation risks from everyday background radiation, medical imaging and nuclear power plant accidents in the aftermath of meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan.</p>

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Customize Starting Age and Frequency of Mammograms

Mammograms should not be done on a one-size fits all basis, but instead should be personalized based on a woman’s age, the density of her breasts, her family history of breast cancer and other factors including her own values, according to a new study.

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UCSF Nurse Calls Attention to Indoor Air Pollution in Guatemala

<p>UCSF family practice nurse Lisa Thompson is calling attention to the dangers of rustic stoves – which use biomass fuels such as wood, coal, animal dung and crop residue – and result in harmful pollutants adversely affecting people in developing countries.</p>

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