University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Researchers Map Zika’s Routes to the Developing Fetus

Zika virus can infect numerous cell types in the human placenta and amniotic sac, according to researchers at UCSF and UC Berkeley who show in a new paper how the virus travels from a pregnant woman to her fetus.

UCSF and City Extend Support for New Generation Health Center

UCSFand the San Francisco Department of Public Health have committed to continue supporting New Generation Health Center for an additional year, enabling the center to provide reproductive health care in the community through June 2017.

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Discovery May Lead To Better Egg Screening And IVF Outcomes

Experts in IVF from UCSF have discovered a pattern of protein secretion during egg maturation that they say has the possibility of leading to a new, non-invasive test to evaluate the fitness of eggs before they are fertilized in the clinic.

SPARQ Project To Improve Care For Women In India, Kenya

UCSF's Global Health Sciences is launching a new project to improve care for women in India and Kenya, called the Strengthening People-centered Accessibility, Respect, and Quality (SPARQ) project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Pioneering UCSF Clinic Helps Transgender Youth Be Themselves

The UCSF Child and Adolescent Gender Center is a one-stop, interdisciplinary clinic offering the wide range of services necessary for mental and physical evaluation and care – and if deemed appropriate, a healthy transition – for children diagnosed with gender dysphoria.