University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Lab Tests Show Arthritis Drug Effective Against Global Parasite

A team of researchers from UCSF and UC San Diego has identified an approved arthritis drug that is effective against amoebas in lab and animal studies, suggesting it could offer a low-dose, low cost treatment for the amoebic infections that cause human dysentery throughout the world.

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Social Security: Fixing the Glaring Gap for Women

After a lifetime of lower wages and time out of the labor market for caregiving, women typically receive less from Social Security than men, with millions of widows and women of color falling into poverty in old age.

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Medical Bills: Sticker Shock and Confused Consumers

According to a provocative new UCSF analysis, patients are all too often left in the dark about how and what hospitals charge for their medical care – even in the face of a mounting push nationally for consumers to have a voice in how their health care dollars are spent.

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