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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Chronic Middle Ear Infections

The Center for Genomic Sciences at Allegheny-Singer Research Institute in Pittsburgh report in JAMA that a build-up of a slimy substance in the Eustachian tube is responsible for a chronic ear infection in children called otitis media, or an infection or inflammation of the middle ear.

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Improving Nutrition Begins With Small Steps

KQED's Forum with Michael Krasny discussed supermarket grocery pricing, availability, and quality with Toby Morris, a registered dietician at UCSF Medical Center.

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UCSF Blogs: Our Mann in Munich

UCSF director of university publications Jeff Miller is attending the EuroScience Open Forum. From Munich, Miller blogs his experiences and observations.

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UCSF Opens Pediatric MS Center

Early this year, the UCSF Medical Center opened a Regional Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Center to address the needs of patients and their families.

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The Premature Birth Problem

<i>Preterm Birth: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention</i>, a report released Thursday by the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, shows that 12.5 percent of births in the United States in 2004 were preterm, a 30 percent increase over the 1981 rate.

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Multiple Sclerosis in Children Is More Common Than Thought

Multiple sclerosis is increasingly being diagnosed in children and teens. Although physicians have long known that kids can come down with the disease, new technology and emerging awareness of the problem have led them to spot the kind of cases that previously had gone undetected until years later.

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UCSF Researchers Report on Trends in Personal Assistance Supply and Demand

H. Stephen Kaye, Susan Chapman, Robert Newcomer and Charlene Harrington used data from two federal surveys of the U.S. population to assess both the size of the workforce providing paid personal assistance services and the relative growth of that workforce compared with the population needing such services.

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