University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Inexpensive Approach to Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Shows Promise in UCSF Study

A simple, inexpensive method for preventing type 2 diabetes that relies on calling people and educating them on the sort of lifestyle changes they could make to avoid developing the disease has proven effective in a study conducted by researchers at UCSF and the City of Berkeley Department of Public Health.

Elderly Prisoners Need Better Medical Care

Soaring numbers of older, sicker prisoners are causing an unprecedented health care challenge for the nation’s criminal justice system, according to a new UCSF report.

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Cancer's Next Magic Bullet May Be Magic Shotgun

A new approach to drug design, pioneered by a group of researchers at UCSF and Mt. Sinai, New York, promises to help identify future drugs to fight cancer and other diseases that will be more effective and have fewer side effects.

Brain Cell Research Discoveries Lead to $500,000 Prize for Jans

<p>A UCSF husband-and-wife research team, Lily Jan and Yuh Nung Jan, will be awarded a major neuroscience award — the Gruber Foundation Neuroscience Prize — for their key insights into the development and function of the nervous system.</p>

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