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Brain Cancer Vaccine Shows Promise

A new brain cancer vaccine tailored to individual patients by using material from their own tumors has proven effective in a multicenter phase 2 clinical trial at extending their lives by several months or longer. The patients suffered from recurrent glioblastoma multiform — which kills thousands of Americans every year.

New Lung Cancer Test Predicts Survival

In the two largest clinical studies ever conducted on the molecular genetics of lung cancer, an international team led by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has demonstrated that an available molecular test can predict the likelihood of death from early-stage lung cancer more accurately than conventional methods.

AIDS: The Struggle Continues

<p>Ellen Schell, RN, PhD, director of International Programs for the Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance and an associate adjunct professor in the UCSF School of Nursing, reflects on the uphill battle to combat AIDS in Malawi, a tiny, impoverished country of 15 million.</p>

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