University of California San Francisco

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Disrupted Circadian Rhythms Linked to Later Parkinson's Diagnosis

Older men who have a weak or irregular circadian rhythm guiding their daily cycles of rest and activity are more likely to later develop Parkinson’s disease, according to a new study by scientists at the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences who analyzed 11 years of data for nearly 3,000 independently living older men.

Elderly man sitting on couch with hand touching head

Role of Expectation in What We See Is Stronger Than Previously Thought, Study Finds

In a new study in mice, UCSF researchers investigated what enables neurons in the visual system to respond to context when a stimulus is not available. They found that feedback from higher-order visual centers in the brain has much more influence over our fundamental visual processing than scientists had ever realized.

Three apple slices with pieces missing, suggesting a triangle

Resilience to ALS Due to Synaptic Safety Mechanism

UCSF researchers have identified a powerful self-corrective mechanism within synapses that is activated by neurodegeneration and acts to slow down disease progression in animal models of ALS.

spinal cord neurons in mice with ALS

Superfast Brain Circuit Slams the Brakes on Movement

A new UCSF study of patients with Parkinson’s disease has revealed a pathway that transmits signals very rapidly between two parts of the human brain to govern the complex act of halting a motion once it’s been initiated.

neuron cells