University of California San Francisco

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314 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

International Scholars Make Intellectual, Cultural Impact at UCSF

<p>Providing a collaborative and inviting environment for international scholars has been a priority for UCSF, which in 2010 had more international students and postdocs than any other U.S. health sciences university with a total of 1,267.</p>

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Annual Tradition Celebrates UCSF Community Partnerships

<p>Exemplary community collaborations that promote health equity in San Francisco took center stage at the Fourth Annual Partnerships Celebration sponsored by UCSF’s&nbsp;<a href="">University Community Partnerships</a>&nbsp;(UCP).</p>

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First-Generation College Students Find Support at UCSF

<p>A UCSF support program for first-generation college students launched in 2008 with a small, monthly discussion group and has evolved into the newly formed First Generation College Student Initiative, which will expand services and resources to this "invisible community."</p>

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First Bay Area Science Festival Draws Thousands

<p>More than 21,000 people converged to AT&T Park for the first annual Bay Area Science Festival, a spectacularly successful community outreach event sponsored in part by UCSF.</p>

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Students Get Look Inside UCSF

Undergraduate students from as far away as Fresno came to UCSF recently for an inside look at one of the nation&#8217;s best graduate schools.

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