University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Alternative kidney test reveals hidden health risks

Elevated blood levels of the protein cystatin C accurately predict higher risk of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and death among elderly people with no known kidney problems ...

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UCSF Stadium Race Finishers to Receive New UCSF T-Shirt

The first 20 UCSF finishers in this Sunday's Stadium to Stadium Run/Walk will receive UCSF logo T-shirts that include the new University tagline, Advancing Health Worldwide. The T-shirts will be sent to the finishers via campus mail once the results have been compiled.

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UCSF's England to Receive Technological Innovations Award

Pamela England, PhD, assistant professor of pharmaceutical chemistry, has been selected to receive one of four Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Awards for 2006-2008, given by the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience.

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AIDS Africa Drug Report

On <i>The World</i> (a co-production of the BBC World Service, PRI and WGBH Boston), host Lisa Mullins speaks with David Bangsberg, MD, MPH, an AIDS expert at San Francisco General Hospital and senior author of a new study on AIDS treatment in Africa that may open the way for more treatment programs to reach poor patients infected with HIV.

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Campus Mourns Loss of UCSF Cheerleader

Friends and colleagues are mourning the loss of longtime UCSF staff member Red Mangio, a man who spread cheer across campus for 17 years.

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