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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

New Nikon Imaging Center opens at UCSF

Nikon Instruments, UCSF and the California Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research (QB3) announced today the opening of a collaborative core microscopy imaging center to promote education and innovation in microscopy imaging.

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UC Says Fastow Implicated Banks in Enron Fraud

Sworn testimony by former Enron chief financial officer Andy Fastow, which was made public for the first time today (Sep. 26), coupled with internal documents detailing the scheme, makes it clear that Enron's banks were not innocent bystanders in one of the greatest corporate scandals in our nation's history — but that these financial institutions served as the actual masterminds behind the scheme to defraud investors.

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German Science Stirs (with a UCSF Spin), Part 2 of 2

Volker Doetsch, director of the Institute of Biophysical Chemistry at Frankfurt's Goethe University, explains how science is flourishing in Germany, thanks to strong government support, particularly for infrastructure and staff. America, take note.

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Fueled by major grant, scientists to identify protein markers for cancer

A team led by Bay Area scientists is one of five nationwide to receive a major grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to refine and standardize the technologies for identifying biomarkers in the blood -- specific proteins, and the patterns they make -- for the early detection of cancer.

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Organ Transplant System the Focus of "The Wait for Life"

For this <i>California Connected </i>news story about long waiting times for liver transplants, producer Jon Dann filmed interviews with UCSF physicians John Roberts, MD and Nathan Bass, MD, PhD; interviews with UCSF patients Eric De Leon and Anthony Montoya; and coverage of the living-donor liver transplant performed on August 31, where baby Brooke received part of a new liver from her mother, Betty.

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Lasker Foundation: The Winners on Film

Elizabeth H. Blackburn, PhD, 57, Morris Herzstein Professor of Biology and Physiology in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), has been named to receive the 2006 Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research.

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