University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Expert Explains Diet to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

What women put on their plates may actually help reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. NBC11's medical reporter Marianne Favro interviewed UCSF biochemist Clyde Wilson, PhD, who recommends that breast cancer patients make four simple changes to help boost their immune systems and reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

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Reunion event at UCSF honors babies

More than 2,500 former patients and their families have been invited to attend the annual reunion of the UCSF Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

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Do Men and Women Feel Pain Differently?

NBC health correspondent Robert Bazell interviews Jon Levine, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery and a prominent pain researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, on his new research that is showing the differences between how men and women experience pain.

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Scots, Californians Prove: Smoking Bans Boost Non-Smokers' Health

The time has come to ban smoking in all workplaces -- in fact, in all public places in general, UCSF pulmonologist Mark Eisner, MD, MPH, writes in an editorial in the <i>Journal of the American Medical Society</i>. Eisner wrote the editorial to comment on a study published in the same issue of <i>JAMA</i> that shows the effects of Scotland's national ban on smoking.

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UCSF Pediatrics Resident Behind Juvenile Offenders Health Insurance Law

The over 2 million adolescents in juvenile detention in California now have a better chance of receiving the critical health care services they need upon reemergence from incarceration in large part because of the efforts of a first-year UCSF Pediatrics Department resident.

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"On the Spot" Lets You Ask the Questions

UCSF researchers routinely publish groundbreaking research, write books, and provide context and commentary for scientific and medical news. Our job is to tell their stories, showcase their accomplishments, and highlight the implications and global consequences of their research for our readers.

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