University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

"Wrinkle Fillers" Can Give a Whole New Look

For KGO-TV, Dr. Dean Edell explores a number of wrinkle fillers, some temporary, that are growing in popularity. Richard Glogau, MD, UCSF clinical professor of dermatology, talks about injectable fillers, in particular Restylane, and issues around effectiveness and safety. Dr. Glogau says Restylane is a good all-purpose filler that lasts four to six months.

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Germs Help Fight Asthma in Newborns

Michael Cabana, MD, MPH, chief of the Department of General Pediatrics at UCSF Children's Hospital, is heading a study to see if asthma and allergies can be prevented by purposely giving germs to newborns to strengthen their immune systems. KGO-TV's Dr. Dean Edell reports on the UCSF research.

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Annual tree-lighting ceremony to benefit UCSF Children's Hospital

Macy's will illuminate thousands of holiday lights on its 85-foot-tall Union Square fir tree on Friday, November 24, with each twinkling light representing a donation to programs for children facing life-threatening illness at UCSF Children's Hospital.

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Tamiflu Warning

Cynthia Kim, MD, a pediatrician at UCSF Children's Hospital, talks to KPIX -TV's Dr. Kim Mulvihill about the FDA warning that users of the flu medication Tamiflu should be monitored for reported bizarre side effects.

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Elderly, ill men get unneeded prostate cancer screenings

A study of almost 600,000 men aged 70 and older reveals that 56 percent had a routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening, a blood test for prostate cancer, even though no treatment guidelines recommend PSA screening for men of that age.

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