University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

UCSF Chancellor Issues Call-To-Arms to Patient Advocates

In November 2011, a National Academy of Sciences committee issued a report calling for the creation of a “Google Maps”-like data network intended to revolutionize medical discovery, diagnosis and treatment. Today, the co-chair of that committee, UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, is issuing a call-to-arms to patient advocates to help make that idea a reality.

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Male and Female Behavior Deconstructed

Hormones shape our bodies, make us fertile, excite our most basic urges, and as scientists have known for years, they govern the behaviors that separate men from women. But how?

2011 Year in Review: UCSF Advances Research from Bench to Bedside

<p>From improved heart failure and HIV treatment, to gene therapy and stem cell discoveries, here is just a sampling from 2011 of research advances at UCSF that are keeping the research pipeline flowing toward&nbsp; better healthcare -- including greater patient safety, more efficient healthcare delivery, and improved outcomes for patients.</p>

Stem Cell and Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell and other Genetic Diseases

<p>A cure for sickle cell anemia and other life-threatening genetic disorders that arise in the blood is the goal of a new $6.7-million, five-year research project headed by UCSF scientist Y. W. Kan, a pioneer of modern genetics and the diagnosis of genetic diseases before birth.</p>

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Immunity Against the Cold

Throughout the interior spaces of humans and other warm-blooded creatures is a special type of tissue known as brown fat, which may hold the secret to diets and weight-loss programs of the future.

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