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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Simplified heart-risk guideline may miscalculate risk for millions

A method that is widely used to predict the risk of a major coronary event may over- or underestimate risk for millions of Americans, according to a study directed by a researcher at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco.

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Social Support is Key to Nursing Home Length of Stay Before Death

In a study of elderly Americans who moved to a nursing home for their final months or years of life, 80 percent died there within one year, according to an investigation by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco.

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Physicians call for more flexible end-of-life planning

Specialists in geriatric medicine at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the VA Connecticut Healthcare System call the traditional approach of advance care planning “fundamentally flawed,” and propose a new paradigm.

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Health impact of Gulf Coast oil spill hazardous but improving

The oil spill along the United States Gulf Coast poses health risks to volunteers, fishermen, clean-up workers and members of coastal communities, according to a new commentary by UCSF researchers who spent time in the region and are among the first to look into health problems caused by the oil spill. The good news, the authors say, is that one of the risk factors, coastal air quality, is improving now that the oil leak has been stopped.

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Brain training reverses age-related cognitive decline

Specialized brain training targeted at the regions of a rat’s brain that process sound reversed many aspects of normal, age-related cognitive decline and improved the health of the brain cells, according to a new study from researchers at UCSF.

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