University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Researchers Use CRISPR to Accelerate Search for HIV Cure

Researchers at UCSF and the academically affiliated Gladstone Institutes have used a newly developed gene-editing system to find gene mutations that make human immune cells resistant to HIV infection.

How a School of Dentistry Lab Joined Fight Against Zika

Lenore Pereira, a virologist and professor in School of Dentistry’s Department of Cell and Tissue Biology, is in the middle of crucial research to understand how the mosquito-borne Zika virus harms the babies of women infected during pregnancy.

Undoing the Harm of Childhood Trauma and Adversity

Years of research have shown that trauma and adverse events in childhood can put a person at an elevated risk for a wide range of physical and mental health problems across their life span. But the scope and significance of that impact ­– and how to reverse it – is just beginning to come into focus.