University of California San Francisco

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146 Results in the UCSF News Center
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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Sports Medicine Service Keeps Kids Alive

UCSF's PlaySafe program has provided free sports medicine care to Bay Area high school students since 2002. By combining cardiac evaluations with annual physicals, the program aims to reduce the risk of sudden athlete death.

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Amputee Athletes Push Physical Boundaries at Unique Clinic

A diverse group of young athletes came together recently for a common purpose: to participate in UCSF’s Amputee Comprehensive Training program at the Orthopaedic Institute, where they pushed themselves further than they had ever imagined possible.

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Pursuing Her Olympic Dream

<p>When Christina Allen, MD, was a small child growing up in Connecticut, the word <em>taekwondo</em> was as foreign to her as the country of its origin. Some 40 years later, Allen is the team physician for the U.S. Olympics Taekwondo Team and will accompany them to the 2012 London Olympics this summer.</p>

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