University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

Smarter Drug Delivery with Tejal Desai, PhD

<p>Swallowing pills means medication must face the challenge of surviving the harsh environment of the digestive tract. As a result, people must take larger doses than they need. Using micro and nano-fabrication techniques developed by the computer chip industry, Desai’s lab is creating tiny devices that take multiple drugs directly to where they are needed, using less medication, minimizing side effects and making the process safer for the patient.&nbsp;</p>

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Mining the Human Body with Michael Fischbach, PhD

<p>Having developed an algorithm that discovered a large quantity of drug-producing bacteria in and on humans, Fischbach has turned his lab’s attention to studying their populations and interactions with each other. This, he posits, can greatly influence a person’s overall health and disease.</p>

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UCSF Research Team Wins Grant to Detect Deadly Viruses

Researchers at UCSF have been awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a rapid, pan-viral microarray diagnostic for detecting viruses of extreme outbreak and pandemic potential.

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