University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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How Many Lives Could a Soda Tax Save?

A group of scientists at UCSF and Columbia University estimates that slapping a penny-per-ounce tax on sweetened beverages would prevent nearly 100,000 cases of heart disease, 8,000 strokes and 26,000 deaths every year.

2011 Year in Review: UCSF Advances Research from Bench to Bedside

<p>From improved heart failure and HIV treatment, to gene therapy and stem cell discoveries, here is just a sampling from 2011 of research advances at UCSF that are keeping the research pipeline flowing toward&nbsp; better healthcare -- including greater patient safety, more efficient healthcare delivery, and improved outcomes for patients.</p>

Many Disabled Seniors Want to Discuss Long-Term Prognosis with Their Doctors

A majority of disabled seniors in a long-term care program wanted their doctors to talk with them about their life expectancy, but only one reported having had such a discussion, in a study by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco.

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UCSF's Blackburn Inducted into the California Hall of Fame

<p>UCSF Nobel laureate&nbsp;Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, whose co-discovery of an enzyme involved in cell aging and cancers opened a whole new field of scientific inquiry, was inducted into the&nbsp;<a href="">California Hall of Fame</a>&nbsp;on Dec. 8, 2011.&nbsp;</p>