University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
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Study Indicates Link Between Second-Hand Smoke, Narrowed Neck Artery, and Dementia

Non-smokers with both long-term exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke and narrowing of the artery that brings blood to the brain had three times the risk of developing dementia than people without either of those risk factors, according to a study led by a researcher at the San Francisco VA Medical Center.

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Memories may be formed throughout the day, not just while sleeping

Scientists have long thought that processes occurring during sleep were responsible for cementing the salient experiences of the day into long-term memories. Now, however, a study of scampering rats suggests that the mechanisms at work during sleep are also active while the animals are awake -- and that they encode events more accurately.

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The Pritzker Center at UCSF Launched

UCSF has announced that a $25 million donation, one of the largest ever given to an American university for child and adolescent mental health services, will jump-start the creation of a comprehensive program dedicated to improving the emotional well-being of Bay Area youths, regardless of socioeconomic status.

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