University of California San Francisco

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Health And Science Topics
Campus Topics

The Doctor Can See You Now

How much does that fitness wristband or sleep app really tell you about your health? From a medical perspective, not much. That's about to change.

UCSF 2.0: Converting Data to Knowledge, Insight and Action

UC San Francisco scientists and clinicians are working on many projects to convert data to knowledge, insight and action, one of the areas of innovation identified in the strategic planning effort known as UCSF 2.0.

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Cardiovascular Study Gets Approval from the American Heart Association

UC San Francisco’s Health eHeart Study – an ambitious technology-based cardiovascular research study – has garnered the support from the American Heart Association, the largest U.S. non-profit organization dedicated to reducing disability and deaths caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke.

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A Digital Path to Health

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 6: Digital Health. The Center for Digital Health Innovation shepherds the development of digital health innovations created at UCSF and validates the effectiveness of devices from both inside and outside the institution.

Illustration of intertwining circles with silhouettes of a diverse groups of people on one circle.

Big Data, Tailored Care

Precision Medicine Pillar No. 3: Clinical Discovery. Researchers are taking vast amounts of patient data, often collected through first-ever clinical studies, and putting it into tools like MS Bioscreen that have a direct impact on patient care.

Illustration of intertwining circles with silhouettes of a diverse groups of people along the circles; one person is highlighted in orange.

Google Glass Delivers New Insight During Surgery

UCSF's Pierre Theodore is the first surgeon to use the tech device, Google Glass, as a surgical tool to make a patient's CT and X-ray images available to him for quick reference while in the operating room.