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Four Quick Ways to Truly Rest

Deep rest is best achieved in prolonged practices that relax the body and quiet the mind. But you can also combat stress within seconds by activating your parasympathetic nervous system. Here are a few approaches to making this biological shift quickly.

Dreamy illustation of a man sitting a the base of a tree with a guitar; pink flowers are at his feet and in the background are clouds in a blue and purple and yellow sky, witDreamy illustation of a man sitting a the base of a tree with a guitar; pink flowers are at his feet and in the background are clouds in a purple and yellow sky.

The Power of Deep Rest

Perpetual stress runs us down. But a truly restorative state that alters our bodies at the cellular level can counter this deterioration.

Illustration in a dreamy style, of the side profile a woman with her eyes closed and her hands to her chest, looking calm and meditative. Behind her is a window frame with blue and purple skies and pink and red flowers blooming.

For Type 1 Diabetes Distress, Focus First on Managing Emotions

Diabetes distress, the fears, worries and burdens associated with living with and managing diabetes, affects up to 75% of adults with Type 1 diabetes. The most effective way to reduce diabetes and improve glucose control is to focus on managing the emotional strain of living with the condition.

A boy wearing a diabetic patch on his arm uses a laptop.

Traumatic Brain Injury Strikes 1 in 8 Older Americans

Traumatic brain injuries for people over age 65 can raise their risk for dementia, Parkinson's, cardiovascular and psych disease. Contrary to earlier research, the study found that healthy, wealthy white women are at higher risk.

A CT scan of a traumatic brain injury.

When Depression Meds Don’t Work, This May Help You Turn the Corner

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive in-office procedure. Brief magnetic pulses to the brain induces electrical currents that stimulate nerve cells in specific areas of the brain, providing symptom relief for patients with depression and OCD.

Psychiatrist Katherine Scangos adjusts a device over a man's head that is used for transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment.

Can a Steroid Help Treat Dementia and Schizophrenia?

A little-studied steroid that serves as a building block for hormones like estrogen and testosterone has been shown to enhance learning and memory in a new study by researchers at UC San Francisco.

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The Light and Shadow of Life

The saying “Todo tiene solución, menos la muerte” (“Everything has a solution, except death”) was instilled in every fiber of my being by my courageous parents.

Watercolor painting of a windswept field and forest with the shadow of a house in the background.