University of California San Francisco

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Blood Test May Reduce Risk of Disability in Kids

An experimental blood test that reflects injury to nerve cells from multiple sclerosis (MS) was found to work for children with MS and other neurological conditions, even when they are symptom-free.

A photo of an empty wheelchair.

With a Comfort Promise, New Clinic Aims to Eliminate Pain in Kids

The UCSF Stad Center for Pediatric Pain, Palliative & Integrative Medicine treats young patients holistically by combining state-of-the art Western medicine with integrative medicine like acupuncture and hypnosis. The center is expanding with a new clinic in Walnut Creek.

A physical therapist provides therapy and pain management to a young girl.

How Artist Walter Hood Grew a Redwood Grove at UCSF Benioff Oakland

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland has debuted a new installation called The Grove by local artist Walter Hood. The piece is the first of several community art installations that are part of ongoing upgrades and expansions to the hospital.

Wood planks stick out of a pillar to emulate tree branches. In the background are glass panels of children playing among Redwood trees.

Two New Vaccines Join the Fight to Eradicate Polio

Two new oral polio vaccines will help limit the amount of new polio strains and outbreaks by genetically engineering weakened polio virus in the oral vaccine to reduce reversion to dangerous forms.

A pair of gloved hands deliver an oral polio vaccine with a dropper into a young boy's mouth.

Can this Medication Reverse MS? Brain Biomarker Shows It Can

UCSF researchers developed an approach to measure an over-the-counter allergy medication’s effectiveness in repairing brain damage from multiple sclerosis (MS), making it possible to also assess future therapies for the disorder.

A microscopic image of numerous axons (in magenta) that are wrapped in myelin by oligodendrocytes (in cyan).